He will show highlight tapes of the Giants' previous game.
Every player was given a highlight tape of his own best plays through the season.
A basketball fight, after all, makes for a must-see highlight tape on the 11 o'clock news.
A couple of highlight tapes were watched, and then the gathering adjourned to the kitchen.
The next day, Habeeb shows a highlight tape to the groom's fiancee to get her reaction.
Bush is not the only ball carrier from his hometown with highlight tapes still in circulation.
He claims to have never seen a highlight tape from 2004, even though he once asked the Astros for a copy.
That wasn't always easy, for the boy grew up with a videocassette player and a stack of highlight tapes.
"After the 1973-74 season, I was able to put together a 30 or 45-minute highlight tape," he said.
Brown might have appeared on highlight tapes before, but probably never in a Nets uniform.