A financial discussion between Skeel and the lady, probably a highly acrimonious tiff, ensued.
In a convention which exposed the deep ideological fault lines within the party, Adrian Berry, a Calgary lawyer, emerged as leader from a highly acrimonious contest.
This led to a public and highly acrimonious conflict.
The Telegraph described the campaign as "unusually open by Iranian standards, but also highly acrimonious."
This highly acrimonious division has cut across family lines and remains a serious matter almost two decades later.
Even before the Bush budget had been presented, there was a widespread expectation that negotiations on the 1991 budget between the administration and Congress would be highly acrimonious.
The Bush Administration has moved swiftly to exploit the dispute between big and small businesses, which at times has taken on a highly acrimonious tone.
The two battled again in 1811, with Gerry once again victorious in a highly acrimonious campaign.
The court case began on 21 February 1923; it was highly acrimonious; and the jury found in favor of Stopes, answering the judge's four questions:
Wesley's highly acrimonious relationship with the never-seen next door neighbors, the Hufnagels, and the shenanigans he pulls on them was another recurring plot element.