Spider monkeys are highly agile, and they are said to be second only to the gibbons in this respect.
It is highly agile and has speed matched only by the Cypher.
They are highly agile and can cover many times their own body length in a single jump.
Although of great age, Yoda is shown to be highly agile and skilled in lightsaber combat.
Their lower bodies were snake-like and they were highly agile, displaying the ability to move as a single mass when required.
Despite its large size, it is a highly agile snake.
It provides precision pointing on an ultra stable highly agile platform.
Most species are highly agile, and regularly leap several metres between trees.
This would mean the Pentagon would want to buy more of the highly agile and high-technology weapons that they need.
The Guarà is known for its highly agile handling which makes it a bit too "nervous" for the average driver.