In computing, a basic block is a portion of the code within a program with certain desirable properties that make it highly amenable to analysis.
Due to sensor configuration, the technique is highly amenable to both purified and crude samples as well as high throughput screening experiments.
The combination of a compositional semantics with a syntax that mirrors such a semantics makes concatenative languages highly amenable to algebraic manipulation.
Spectroscopy has been used successfully for online monitoring of manufacturing processes for 30-40 years, and this process data is highly amenable to chemometric modeling.
The Germanic mind is highly amenable to the belief in correspondences between the Universe and Man - between microcosm and macrocosm.
Well, they were betrothed, and he had proved to be highly amenable to her blandishments.
If this was his reward for agreeing to consider the alien viewpoint more carefully, he was highly amenable.
This form of poetry was highly amenable to musical composition and exposition.
In computing, an extended basic block is a collection of basic blocks of the code within a program with certain properties that make them highly amenable to optimizations.
It is arguable that certain kinds of embryonic process are highly amenable to variation in certain directions, recalcitrant to variation in others.