It doesn't hurt that the eight-piece Dap Kings are a terrific band, nor that Jones is an appealing, highly believable vocalist.
Her story is highly believable, the professor said.
But when Mr. Oeste immerses himself in a laborious recapitulation of the Hiss-Chambers scandal, the book suddenly takes on a highly believable quality.
First, your husband offers an explanation for his behavior that is possible, but not highly believable.
It features some highly believable dialogue as the two sisters fall out over the quality of the hospitality and is only eight stanzas long.
Clarence's dream is more closely described than any in Julius Caesar, and is a highly believable nightmare of drowning.
And in Dan Galindo she has created a highly believable hero.
"What happened was that you needed a depth to the background action, so that highly believable things are happening in the foreground and in the distance."
Part of the song's success may be due to Bland's "telling a convincing story, making brief lyrical vignettes highly believable with his conversational style".
"Unobtrusive directing and very good performances by all the main characters...Director Rob Sorrenti has made a highly believable film."