In my own experiences with Launchpad, I have found that the system is highly conducive to building a dialogue around an open source software project.
This was highly conducive of architectural development and renovation of a large number of temples.
The spacious living room was highly conducive to creative thought.
The discreet lighting and the soft instrumental music created a relaxed setting, highly conducive to a comfortable discussion.
During the spring and summer, conditions along the east coast of Australia are highly conducive for the formation of hailstorms.
Weather predictability makes it highly conducive to agricultural production.
Such areas may prove highly conducive to the establishment of centres of excellence.
The present climate should be highly conducive to moving the boundaries here.
Onarga's typical summer weather is highly conducive to growing corn and soybeans, which dominate the rural landscape.
Beneficial to health, steadies the body and is highly conducive to the concentration of the mind.