Each highly crafted cubic sculpture represents a unique yet highly recognizable feature of the world, from popular culture to natural history.
The "Death and the Maiden" themes derived from the latter recur frequently through the seven decades of his output, as do highly crafted, reverent renderings of natural objects.
As bucket racing matured it bred a group of 'Garagists', enthusiasts who developed their racing bikes into highly crafted and very speedy racing machines.
The collection has numerous paintings by Impressionist, Post-Impressionist and Modernist masters, as well as furniture, ancient artifacts, and highly crafted objects from different time periods.
Cave is renowned for his highly crafted reports and quick mixing skills, often produced in difficult and dangerous locations.
But as an example of highly crafted operatic theater in voice-oriented New York, and as an inauguration of the Brooklyn Academy's promising operatic venture, it was a sterling occasion.
Missing among these highly crafted readymades - or maybe I overlooked him - is Duchamp, though of course he is omnipresent in essence, if not in name.
Steve Brudniak (Born April 9, 1961, Topeka, Kansas) is an American artist known for highly crafted and unusual assemblage sculpture.
But I suspect that at a minimum they are going to lose some sales because of these antics and they may be risking something much valuable long term: their highly crafted public image.
It's endless, small, highly crafted, highly specialized decision making.