Many schools chose not to exclude pupils and instead set up a "seclusion" or "time out" room for highly disruptive children.
It's not so long since we learned the link between eating certain 'E' numbers and the behaviour of highly disruptive children.
It can be highly disruptive to family time and marriages.
With the highly disruptive presence of Sugar, Saga's life goes haywire.
At most, it will have to ground the flights altogether - something, it argues, that would be highly disruptive to the economy.
An outbreak of disease may be highly disruptive to your business.
"If you just shuffle people around, it will be highly disruptive to other outreach efforts," she said.
This has a highly disruptive effect in the countries concerned.
This, according to the mayor, would be "highly disruptive" for the village.
The shift into the reductions had highly disruptive effects on the indigenous society.