For a while it still aired but highly edited, including the moment of impact in the video would be paused and un-paused to see the aftermath.
Various prayers said to have been composed by him in his later life are highly edited.
Some might call the selection barren; others would describe it in fashion parlance as highly edited.
As Ms. Diller puts it, the suitcase is the "highly edited version of one's home or travels."
The footage was highly edited for some broadcasts.
Because of this, the videos, largely of the heavy metal genre, were often highly edited and shortened to make up for lack of time.
Note: In the Australian broadcast of this advertisement, she is highly edited.
Repeats on ITV4 were highly edited (presumably to remove material unsuitable for daytime transmission).
A Lorry Load of Trouble (highly edited from original)
But the revival is highly edited; a surface scraping; artificial, like a bottled fragrance.