Home builders would get a $2,000 tax credit for building highly energy-efficient new homes.
Honda provided few details, except to say it was working on a highly energy-efficient compact model that would be introduced "in the near future."
"They've introduced a highly energy-efficient compressor which also reduces the variability of the temperatures in the refrigerator."
The supercomputer, known as a Power 575 Hydro- Cluster, is the first in a highly energy-efficient class of machines to be shipped anywhere in the world.
The industry relies heavily on biofuels (about 50% of its primary energy) and it is highly energy-efficient.
As an extra benefit, products that meet the ETL criteria are highly energy-efficient and can:
Although Google does not plan to enter the personal computer market, the company is a large purchaser of microprocessors and has evolved a highly energy-efficient power supply system for its data centers.
That is why it is a positive thing to be discussing the Energy Star scheme and to label equipment that incorporates these new technical possibilities and is highly energy-efficient.
The third element is research: the Commission intends to strive to ensure that European research achieves the objective of having clean and highly energy-efficient transport.
This field of research awaits the detailed development of a high-quality, cost-effective, nearly reversible logic device technology, one that includes highly energy-efficient clocking and synchronization mechanisms.