Alcoholism is known to be a highly heritable trait.
Behavioral genetic research has established that the construct of g is highly heritable.
The degree of an individual's responsiveness is highly heritable, suggesting that this trait is genetically determined.
Many personality traits have a genetic component and are highly heritable.
Cloninger's research found that persistence, like the other temperament traits, is highly heritable.
Schizophrenia affects 1% of the general population and is highly heritable, providing an indication of a genetic basis.
Genetics: anorexia nervosa is believed to be highly heritable, with estimated inheritance rates ranging from 56% to 84%.
Twin studies indicate that the disorder is highly heritable and that genetics are a factor in about 75 percent of all cases.
This method of selection will only be effective for highly heritable traits.
Like the other temperament dimensions, it has been found to be highly heritable.