The biggest boom is in loans to highly indebted companies.
Losses on loans to highly indebted companies would be greatest in a recession.
The world economic crisis struck the structurally weak and highly indebted town hard.
The Uganda deal should encourage other poor, highly indebted countries.
Its loans to highly indebted companies total some $3.6 billion, making it the seventh-most-active bank in that business.
Loans to highly indebted companies were extremely profitable in the late 1980's because of their high interest rates and fees.
Finding bargains among the highly indebted is not a game for everyone.
But overall, "1987 must go down as another difficult year for the highly indebted countries," it said.
For example, the private sector may become highly indebted, such as when a housing bubble bursts.
This is a worrying scenario for highly indebted families and individuals.