The explosive lenses around nuclear charges are also designed to be highly insensitive, to minimize the risk of accidental detonation.
They say Granada's promotion was 'both highly insensitive to the hostages and their families and a serious abuse of public trust.'
They also demanded that Bahrain expel the American ambassador for what they consider highly insensitive remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Sanford is a fat, oafish, highly insensitive loudmouth who shows little consideration for others.
Some advocacy groups first portrayed Judge Pickering as someone highly insensitive to racial justice.
The explosive used in APHE projectiles needs to be highly insensitive to shock to prevent premature detonation.
Both consider the other to be highly insensitive.
It was a highly insensitive remark.
The scale ranges from highly sensitive to highly insensitive.
"I find it highly insensitive to call it something like that."