The second is to maximize the gains that can come from the intelligent management of an expanding international economy of highly interdependent states.
In jobs where people work closely or are highly interdependent, performance may include the degree to which a person helps out the groups and his or her colleagues.
There is some evidence that cohesion may be more strongly related to performance for groups that have highly interdependent roles than for groups in which members are independent.
Structural violence and direct violence are said to be highly interdependent, including family violence, racial violence, hate crimes, terrorism, genocide, and war.
Put simply, both systems are highly interdependent.
You know the Colonies are highly interdependent.
Professor Zimmerman, who also directs the university's Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems, said that some parts of the infrastructure were highly interdependent.
The two cities are considered sister cities and are highly interdependent.
Biologists find that some species respond to environmental threats to their survival by gathering into highly interdependent groupings.
A synergistic group of highly interdependent individuals whose functioning is enhanced by their association.