The analysis was highly mathematical and seemed wholly abstract, until Kerr found that he could produce a form of exact solution to the equations.
He isn't the only economist to look at these subjects, but he is arguably the most original in assimilating careful and highly mathematical economic research.
Traditionally a highly mathematical discipline, modern population genetics encompasses theoretical, lab and field work.
His style is highly mathematical, using a strong knowledge of game theory and developing computer simulations to improve his understanding of the game.
Physics was the first of the natural sciences to become fully modern and highly mathematical.
The subsequent chapters, which are all highly mathematical, cover topics such as two-parameter theory, renormalisation group theory and stiff chains.
As with the first game, one of the most notable features of this game is its highly mathematical nature, and its lack of random factors.
For instance, games programming can be highly mathematical - especially things like 3D engines where you will need some advanced maths skills.
The game Begin is considered notable for having a convincing model of game dynamics, as it has very few random elements, and is highly mathematical.
Graves transferred into Intelligence, a division of State that was highly mathematical, heavily computerized.