They are a highly migratory and short-lived species, with lifespans of less than a year.
It is highly migratory with individuals from northern and eastern areas moving south-west for the winter.
All species are noted for their highly migratory or oceanodromous habits.
"Unilateral actions," he said, "simply do not work with highly migratory species."
As would be expected, both species are highly migratory, wintering in more temperate areas.
Obtaining accurate information on highly migratory species is challenging, to say the least.
With regard to the species described as highly migratory, the total catches have increased significantly.
Highly migratory species account for 99 percent catch in this region and are discussed below.
The main commercial species in the high seas are the highly migratory species.
Highly migratory fish also cross boundaries without regard for international laws.