Mr. Pritchard's departure on Friday points to a division in the administration over how best to handle the isolated, unpredictable and highly militarized government of Kim Jong Il nearly eight months after the North expelled foreign inspectors, the experts said.
One might have thought that in the light of these changes, the highly militarized view of East-West relations that the term "cold war" signified might have faded.
Law enforcement is at the discretion of the enforcers - as we've seen in the highly militarized response to the "Occupy" protestors - so if those with the power to pursue it do not, broken laws go unpunished and offenses unknown to The General Public.
Kalinigrad (formerly Königsberg), the base of the Baltic Fleet and a highly militarized zone, was separated from the rest of Russia by Lithuanian territory.
"Very likely, aid providers and their partners will have to deal with local authorities in a highly decentralized and highly militarized environment," said Arthur C. Helton, a senior fellow specializing in refugee affairs at the Council on Foreign Relations.
Mgr, which happens to be his name, is imprisoned on the highly militarized planet of Parra'Noya.
Within the land it controlled, the Taiping Heavenly Army established a theocratic and highly militarized rule.
They established a highly militarized society and, during the periods when the tribes were united under one king (82-44 BC, 86-106) posed a major threat to the Roman provinces of Lower Danube.
It was a highly militarized colony and clashes with neighboring Spanish Florida and its fortress city of St. Augustine were common.
Today, Cyprus is the most highly militarized place in the world, in relation to its size.