The equations are highly nonlinear and a good initial guess for the structure is required.
The dynamics of these systems are highly nonlinear in nature.
Other times when a statistical method might be more appropriate include highly nonlinear problems.
The use of an emulator introduces a machine learning problem, which can be difficult if the response of the model is highly nonlinear.
I remember an example that Vic gave me once, when we were discussing highly nonlinear systems.
The disadvantage is that these machines are highly nonlinear.
General relativity is a highly nonlinear model, and as such, its 3+1D version is usually too complicated to analyze in detail.
The games are notable in the dating sim genre for being highly nonlinear.
Most circuit simulation programs model switches as highly nonlinear elements.
This system is highly nonlinear, which can explain the transition from one behaviour to another in pressure solution.