Both types are very sought after, being highly palatable and beautiful, while more common than the B. edulis.
This allows the brewer to rapidly produce a fresh and highly palatable beer that can be easily duplicated in mass quantity.
For all its malice and name dropping, the comedy is highly palatable and very funny - Sunday at 1:30 P.M. on Channel 13.
The music itself, he writes, is "highly palatable stuff, unless you know its date.
The plant is highly palatable to the introduced Common Brushtail Possum resulting in a threat to the plant population.
Early settlers laid possum traps beneath Miena cider gum trees because possums found the sap highly palatable.
The gentle cooking process also leaves a highly palatable natural flavor.
Leptin resistance can be triggered in rats by ad libitum consumption of energy-dense, highly palatable foods over a period of several days.
Hypokalaemic cats can usually lead a normal life if they get the correct, highly palatable, potassium supplement.
Like poppy seeds, poppyseed oil is highly palatable, high in vitamin E, and has no narcotic properties.