The problem of command, for instance, highly pertinent in this case.
I can think of two things that have changed, both of them highly pertinent if you are planning to spend your own money here.
But Bush never volunteered this highly pertinent information.
Highly pertinent question to which the answer seems to be - there is no mechanism.
His poems are easy to understand, highly pertinent and equally spiritually profound.
I believe that high-profile initiatives by the European Union in this direction are highly pertinent.
Some of the points raised by the rapporteur, not least those relating to labour, are highly pertinent.
Yet it is also true that there are two highly pertinent points in this proposal that should not be overlooked.
The topics are highly pertinent today, and every effort must be made to ensure that all relevant players take part.
The information he had was highly pertinent, even if it offered little real help.