Blessed with a good figure from youth she instantly proved highly photogenic and conscious of the importance of her appearance.
He was physically attractive and highly photogenic; on the television screen he came across as a man of warmth and charm.
He is obsessed with his personal safety but goes out all the time, usually with highly photogenic companions.
But to its advantage, the film has a Mark Knopfler score, a crisply incisive performance by Ms. Watson and a highly photogenic one by Mr. Bale.
And although the Duke drew the line at greeting the castle's visitors personally, he appeared in full, highly photogenic kilted regalia during his army's annual parades.
Alice was beautiful and highly photogenic, but a rebellious person.
His face was flat, short nosed, one of those highly photogenic faces, like Muhammad Ali's.
The concept is highly photogenic and many clips can be found on Youtube.
The most westerly, and by far the longest, viaduct is highly photogenic, and appears often in tourist guides and in Scottish calendars.
The highly photogenic site of Teotihuacan - about 30 miles to the northeast of present day Mexico City - is presented in the film as "the center for Aztec sacrifice".