Although this is highly plausible there are few studies of the skills possessed by older unemployed workers.
Though after spending some time with Andrew I found it highly plausible.
While your gastronomy may be good, your colonial history is not so hot if you thought that 7-c was "highly plausible".
Probably one of the tougher ones here; both fakes highly plausible.
But that his network was involved is highly plausible, and that he is an inspiration for them, also.
"Given the headwinds to growth we face, this seems highly plausible," he added.
Although this scenario of illuminated clothing is highly plausible, challenges are still a road block.
Connecting sparse dots, Bailey works up a highly plausible account of the master's life and career.
The abdominal-tearing hypothesis has generally been regarded as highly plausible.
Barney had to admit to himself that the chapter and verse produced by the Indian in support of his story made it highly plausible.