Effect of oral administration of highly purified eicosapentaenoic acid on platelet function, blood viscosity and red cell deformability in healthy human subjects.
Researchers use a mixture of highly purified enzymes (Collagenase) to isolate islets from the pancreas of a deceased donor.
He is doing well after a series of failed efforts to build other businesses, having left a scientific institute studying highly purified materials when military financing dried up.
Highly purified grades of glycolic acid are commercially available for personal care applications.
Nonetheless, consumer concerns about genetically modified food have extended to highly purified derivatives from GM food, such as lecithin.
If insulin is required a convenient regime is to use a highly purified porcine or human short-acting insulin subcutaneously.
Molybdenum-99 is produced commercially by intense neutron-bombardment of a highly purified uranium-235 target, followed rapidly by extraction.
The process often involves manipulating the temperature of the chemical broth and may need to be repeated several times to produce highly purified products.
The researchers assigned half the participants to also take pills containing highly purified EPA.
The specific activity of highly purified human enzyme is 890,000 units/mg.