A pilot study conducted in Britain prior to the Lea's Shield's approval concluded that the Lea's Shield "may be acceptable to a highly select minority of women".
New York's had a particular goal: to present, through a highly select group of films, an opinionated vision of the year's major trends in international filmmaking.
The fact that Doman claims close to 100 percent success can probably be attributed to the highly select group of parents and children who come to his center.
The object may eventually join a handful of highly select materials in the sliding metal drawers of the Archives' legislative division, which includes the now-much-discussed censure of Andrew Jackson and its later repeal.
Having four highly select universities looking for presidents at the same time gives this year's searches an unusual twist.
With newly discovered signs of liquid water, a moon of Saturn joins the small, highly select group of places in the solar system that could plausibly support life.
Dr. Wang notes that while competitive athletes may report feeling pugilistic on anabolic steroids, "this is a highly select group of subjects with a particular psychological makeup."
Only a small proportion of candidates score an 'A' in any subject (from as little as 2% to a maximum of about 10% in subjects taken by highly select groups.)
In addition, members of the Anointed Quorum, a highly select leadership group in the early church that was privy to Smith's teachings, also acknowledged the existence of a Heavenly Mother.
She only steals from a highly select group of private collectors.