This nicking site is specific and the sequence around the site highly symmetrical.
The implosion must be highly symmetrical or the plutonium would simply squirt out at the low-pressure points.
Millen's house is a rectangular building planned in a highly symmetrical fashion.
Because of its highly symmetrical structure, it has a very high melting point and a short liquid range.
The central form of the building is highly symmetrical with an open floor plan.
Desmids assume a variety of highly symmetrical and generally attractive shapes, which provide the basis for their classification.
This configuration leads to highly symmetrical structures, hence the tetrahedral shape of the molecule.
Many of the most studied polyhedra are highly symmetrical.
Another mathematician announced that he had discovered a new mathematical object, a highly symmetrical creation, in 24-dimensional space.
It is a young, highly symmetrical stratovolcanic cone.