The ethylene ligand (the monomer) dissociates to produce a highly unsaturated 14 e cation.
There are many triglycerides: depending on the oil source, some are highly unsaturated, some less so.
So most conductive polymers, being highly unsaturated and reactive, are highly sensitive to atmospheric moisture and oxidation, making commercial applications difficult.
Highly unsaturated omega-3 rich oils such as fish oil are being sold in pill form so that the taste of oxidized or rancid fat is not apparent.
For these reasons, silox anion forms highly unsaturated complexes.
The empirical formula for benzene had been long known, but its highly unsaturated structure was a challenge to determine.
On the other hand linseed oil is highly unsaturated, which makes it a drying oil, well suited for making oil paints.
Olive and linseed oils on the other hand are highly unsaturated and are oily.
It is a aliphatic, highly unsaturated alcohol with two triple bonds, three double bonds and two hydroxyl groups.
Therefore, palm oil can withstand the high heat of deep frying and is resistant to oxidation compared to highly unsaturated vegetable oils.