I searched highway medians from time to time, though without much hope of success.
In the heartland, tiny flags fluttered like wildflowers in highway medians.
Her car swerved across the highway median and jolted still into a scraggy verge.
The group says the State Department of Transportation should build a "guided busway" to move buses on railroad-like tracks down highway medians.
Tucson, mandated by the state to curtail water use, now plants rescued cactuses rather than wetland plants in highway medians.
It gets so bad that some cars take breatherson the grassy highway median.
The new money will enable city workers to cut the grass on highway medians 12 times this year, up from 3 times last year.
Its densely packed, spreading form has proved useful along roadsides and highway medians.
The premise is that bears have discovered fire, and are having campfires on highway medians.
Mitchell crashed his car into a highway median and Hunter's car overturned in Atlanta.