In August 2012, one was found in a 6-foot-deep natural hole in Northwest San Antonio, halting completion of a $15-million highway underpass.
After drifting across the Southwest for many years working ranches and living in hotels, Billy, homeless, takes shelter beneath a highway underpass.
They cruise the streets in a white van, searching parks and empty lots and calling out warily into abandoned buildings and highway underpasses.
As mayor, Bowdon also worked to construct the city courtroom, jail, fire stations, a $6.5 million electric power plant, highway underpasses, and water storage facilities.
Several vehicles also became trapped in high water on some low-lying roads and highway underpasses.
"For me," a supporter explained at a rally by a highway underpass in a Christian suburb before the June 12 vote, "it is resistance to Jumblatt."
During my return visit last spring, on the drive from downtown Flushing to the Whitestone library, auto body shops and highway underpasses deepened my misgivings.
We nearly gave the prize to a highway underpass connecting the old city of Leidschendam with a new city, now under construction, called Leidschenveen.
Many highway underpasses, which were turned into lakes Monday night, are still unsafe and many still hid submerged cars, he said.
A highway underpass beneath Castel Sant'Angelo was scrapped after environmental groups, urban planners and archeologists protested that the digging would damage the foundations of the second-century mausoleum built by the Emperor Hadrian.