His hilarious account captures the quirks of postcommunist Europe at an exceptional time in history - after the wall but before the mall.
"Running With Scissors" is a bawdy, outrageous, often hilarious account of what in fact sounds like a seriously unhappy story.
II, p. 103f, for a hilarious account of Smith's labors and personality.
Ms. Dorsey retaliated by writing about what she did instead - a hilarious account of an afternoon at her hairdresser's.
Since then, many other celebrities have given their own hilarious accounts of how Suplado Tips has helped them, some of which were not entirely fictional.
Last year our reviewer, John Mortimer, called this "a hilarious and highly readable account."
Miss Stone was regaling some friends with a hilarious account of the proceedings the night before.
There is a hilarious account of his dentures breaking on the occasion of an important speech.
All the rage in Britain, this hilarious account of neurotic single women in London becomes the critical rage here.
Gray subsequently wrote his theatrical memoir Fat Chance, providing a scathingly hilarious account of the episode.