Mildmay was paid £5 for her appearance in a hilarious performance, full of comic mishaps.
After an intentionally disastrous, but hilarious performance, Toddy claims that this is his last performance.
The film's comic high point is Babe's hilarious performance at a sheep-herding contest.
Kubicek characterized it as "another brilliantly absurd original song", and Canning said it was a "hilarious performance".
The production, full of Restoration lewdness and jokes, featured a hilarious performance by Miss Linehan.
PiL s, hilarious, and now infamous, performance on the prime t..
Ms. Kidman's smoothly hilarious performance and Barbie-doll perfection make it clear what he means.
Soon it was not only his son enjoying hilarious performances of these poems but a much wider audience of enthusiasts at schools, festivals, book signings and charity events.
Sheridan concluded her review by stating Charlie King's performance of "On the Floor" was "one of the night's most hilarious performances."