Those hills grow gratifyingly more serious when you get in among them.
The hill of coal on the other side of the valley from the mine grew steadily in size, but not without cost.
The hills grew smaller, and the land began to level out, but instead of pressing on, Lan stopped.
The hills grew, becoming rocky, as if the stone were sprouting from the landscape.
The hill grew steadily larger in the darkness, and so did the light on it.
Yet the impression lingered that the hill had grown restless, having at last decided on its victim.
As they faded in the distance the hills grew more pale, till I couldn't tell where the water ended and land began.
Rolling hills grow to form volcanic mountains and reach to the sky.
As the hills grew steeper and more rugged, the weather turned foul.
This is followed by a more level tract in which the hills grow sparser.