The first was built on a hill, later known as Bhir Mound.
Starting in 1967, today's campus was developed through individual construction projects on the hill known as the Gießberg.
Thetis Mound is a type of hill known as a pingo.
The resultant hills, known as tells, are found throughout the ancient Near East.
It sits on a hill 665 meters high, known as the Sausenberg.
Then some instinct jerked his head about, toward the hill known as the King's Altar.
Near the city are small isolated hills known as monadnocks.
He planted a vineyard on the hill now known as the Kuchiuskopf, after him, and vines may still be found there today.
The site chosen for the church was a small hill known as "Castle".
It took part in the desperate struggle for the dominating hill known as Baby 700.