Norwood moved to its current hilltop location in early January 1972.
The hilltop location provides extensive views of the region.
Vézelay's hilltop location has made it an obvious site for a town since ancient times.
There is now just one house standing on this remote hilltop location, overlooking the rolling farmland.
Its hilltop location is unusual for the area; most nearby churches are built on mounds near water.
Only those buildings that stood above the mud continued in use, including group A, saved by its hilltop location.
The police said they had feared that at the original hilltop location, 250,000 people would try to squeeze into a space suitable for only 35,000.
In 1554, after the sixth sacking, the settlers decided to move inland to the town's present hilltop location.
The move to the Berkshires, to a beautiful hilltop location, made it possible to house more than 40 campers plus faculty.
The house's hilltop location makes it visible from a vast distance in all directions.