They were intended specifically for working the hilly route between Plattling and Eisenstein.
The 6400 was auto-fitted but more suitable for hilly routes than the 5400.
Out of 300 good class competitors, he achieved a brilliant second place on a hilly route in 59 mins. 7 secs.
Because the vehicles by today's standards are quite underpowered, its use on hilly routes results in long journey times.
There are many cancellations due to the vehicles' lack of power and the hilly route, especially in the autumn.
The locomotives were intended for heavy goods duties especially on hilly routes.
This meant that they were particularly suitable for use on hilly routes.
The hilly and challenging route combined with beautiful green scenery make the race unforgettable.
But we realize that increasing coal production Ombilin make the old locomotives are inadequate, especially for the hilly route.
Beside the road there was a small soft shoulder, one of the few along this hilly, jungled route.