At Drăgăneşti Olt, the species was found on a hilly slope.
Next morning at the crack of dawn they all went into the forest to the hilly slope.
Within the area are large cultivated fields and hilly slopes with olive trees and vineyards.
He glanced back only once, when they got to the top of the hilly slope that overlooked the farm.
Stone walls, now completely in ruins, at one time helped to form terraces on the hilly slopes surrounding the houses.
Staggering up the hilly slope, Simon felt a sickening sense of defeat spread through his body like a poison.
The hilly slopes of the canton are used extensively for the production of hydroelectricity.
Forests are restricted to hilly slopes.
To prevent soil erosion by planting crops on hilly slopes, the Monpa have terraced many slopes.
Heather Harrington creates movement specifically designed for a hilly slope.