Fernandez appeared to labor on the hilly stretches of the course, but still managed to cross the finish line in fifth place in 32:44.
The worst damage occurred along a hilly, 90-mile stretch between San Antonio and Austin in Central Texas and reaching east to Houston.
The bus, which apparently had faulty brakes, sped out of control on a hilly stretch of road in New Jersey.
The campus, spread out in a hilly stretch surrounded by lush greenery, is a sure sight of delight for a lover of nature.
The worst damage occurred along a hilly, 90-mile stretch of Central Texas.
This is one of the longer workouts of the summer, 10 repeats of 800m with 2 minute rests on a hilly stretch of Mt Hope parallel to Aurelius Road.
They had just passed over a hilly stretch with many turns and windings, the moon blotted out completely now by the cloud bank.
The major source of friction, however, was the Midland's policy of using small engines, adding another if the load warranted it, or for hilly stretches.
The 111-year-old zoo, across a hilly stretch of 63 acres bordering Rock Creek Park, is one of the most popular stops in the holdings of the Smithsonian Institution.
But a hilly stretch of Staten Island interrupted the radio signals of their backup teams; communication was lost.