Opening his eyes after a moment, Hacom noticed a small, hinged plate set nearly flush within the center metal section of the railing.
At the end of the catwalk, a hinged plate in the floor led to a metal ladder, which descended into a large, unfinished tunnel.
There is an oval or rhombic opening at the top which is blocked by two hinged plates.
Now the side of it opened up, tumbling outward in an array of hinged plates that formed a stairway.
Instead of a ring, it has eight hinged plates which are rounded off at the top.
They were equipped with hinged plates that were designed to close off the casemate opening in heavy seas.
The problem was eventually corrected by the addition of dwarf bulkheads in the gun houses and rubber seals to the hinged plates.
There were, of course, hinged plates here and there in the corridor wall.
The hinged plates, of course, gave access to catwalks among the ship's framing-members.
I'd a hinged plate in my cabin, Mr. Braden.