Sublime found humor and depth in its down-to-earth community of surfers, hip-hop kids, petty criminals, marijuana smokers and working-class neighbors.
The fashion industry is eager to sell to hip-hop kids, and design heavyweights are hoping Bentley will give them a new reason to venture into the stores.
There's a whole generation of hip-hop kids that has gone to theater school.
Punks, skinheads, new romantics, hip-hop kids.
Customizing mass-produced fashion may have been the only avenue open to hip-hop kids on a budget.
At the start of high school, much of Jason's energy went toward straddling the divide between hip-hop kid and honors student.
In club language we call them the hip-hop kids - the gold-chain crew.
I get that it's hot to see some big burly hip-hop kid who looks straight but sleeps with guys, but the bottom line is that it's dishonest.
A hip-hop kid, in basketball jersey and baggy jeans, stopped beside him, looked over the line of men in black hats and suits and nodded.
He says of his musical tastes "I was never a typical hip-hop kid.