Riderman is among the most famous Rwandan hip-hop performers.
She stopped playing clarinet in high school to concentrate on sports and her calling as a hip-hop performer.
The men who shot her nephew were also hip-hop performers, she said.
The concert, which features six to eight hip-hop performers and groups, is sold out, even though specific acts have not been announced.
She worked the crowd with bits and pieces of music, like a hip-hop performer, and slowly the show began to coalesce.
Four hip-hop performers - played by actual hip-hop stars will.
He collaborated with video artists, gospel choirs and hip-hop performers.
The police have arrested a second suspect in the shooting of a hip-hop performer and a member of his entourage on April 25.
The friend also said Ferhani was not particularly religious, drank alcohol and was an aspiring hip-hop performer.
Esthetic debates aside, too many hip-hop performers and hangers-on have been victims or perpetrators of violence.