During this time, the University also hired William Pereira and Associates as the Master Planner of the Irvine Ranch area.
Company hired a new public relations agency, Aaron D. Cushman and Associates, which became Cushman Amberg Communications in 1997.
In 1960 NYU hired I. M. Pei & Associates, later known as Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, to design the complex.
The company also hired a Washington lobbying firm, Cassidy and Associates.
In 1962, the City of Boise hired a consultant, Atkinson & Associates, to create Boise's first comprehensive plan.
The company hired a Washington lobbying firm, Cassidy and Associates, to help it present its case.
This month, he hired a new public-relations firm, Chen Sam and Associates, which is headed by the Egyptian-born spokeswoman whose best known client has long been Elizabeth Taylor.
The Urban Group has hired Arthur Anderson and Associates, an accounting firm, to conduct an audit.
The company hired Landor & Associates, a division of Young & Rubicam, to research consumer attitudes toward the stations.
Northrop has hired Bonner & Associates, a Washington firm that specializes in grass-roots lobbying, to promote the B-2.