In another lucky break, he was hired as an employee after the theatre had an internal misunderstanding and took on more interns than they needed.
He started there as a contractor in 1981 before being hired as a full-time employee three years later, according to the company.
He was hired as a full-time employee when he graduated.
Cannon immediately set to reorganizing the dental program with great success and was soon hired as a full-time employee.
A year and a half ago she was hired as a part-time paid employee in the hospital's billing department.
You can hire your spouse as an employee and provide medical insurance.
I'm hired as an attorney, not as an employee.
He was hired as an employee at the Court of Accounts, which he fulfilled till 1917.
Mr. Bucheli became a volunteer when the program began operating and later was hired as a full-time employee.
He began as a part-time volunteer in 2008 and was hired as a full-time employee in 2009.