With Murphy's support, Dolan hired gunmen with the intent of goading Tunstall into a fight.
Because they have made money from the wood, they can hire gunmen and pay off the government.
The small men had no money to hire gunmen.
Most settlers are armed, the ranchers have hired gunmen and in many places they outnumber the Indians.
By that time, Tunstall and McSween had hired gunmen to counter those hired by Murphy-Dolan.
Barred from bringing in private security, non-governmental organizations hired local gunmen to protect their personnel, using money defined as "technical assistance grants".
A few weeks ago he was warned that local landowners had hired gunmen to kill him; he was shot last Thursday even as police guards sat in his kitchen.
Maybe Volescu did this alone, hiring gunmen, bribing the security guard, so that he could sell the babies later to the highest bidder.
Businessmen have asked clerics to form sharia courts and have hired gunmen to protect them, since there are no judges or police.
Rather, it contracts Somali businessmen, who rent trucks, hire gunmen and put up a bond equal to the worth of the food.