We argued this showed that employers were uncertain, and hiring temps rather than permanent workers.
As I stated earlier the monthly works perfectly for design houses hiring temps and freelancers who only need a certain program for one project.
The next step is to hire temps, then permanent workers after an expansion sets in.
At the moment, many businesses are filling the new orders by stretching out short workweeks, adding overtime and hiring temps - and generally finding ways to wring more work out of the existing work force.
Many of our part-time instructors are forced into this kind of work to supplement their incomes or because our higher education system has found it more expedient to hire "temps" than to pay benefits and adequate salaries.
To cut costs, the 62 law firms retained by the Prudential Corporation must agree to hire temps from the Wallace Law Registry of Hartford when they need to bring in extra lawyers, said Bill Fellers, the vice president for administration in the company's legal department in Newark.
And in some cases, temp agencies will hire temps without submission of a resume or an interview.
The sponsors of this monstrosity, it turned out, couldn't raise enough money to hire enough temps to collect enough signatures to get the job done.
Felisha was also felt to be responsible for her terrible contribution for not hiring enough temps, but Trump agreed what Bill said and fired Adam instead for not making a stronger case how he's better than Felisha.
We should be seeing firms hiring temps as a way to avoid hiring more permanent workers.