Some offer signing bonuses, a bump in salary for law enforcement experience, flexible schedules, or modified hiring requirements.
Dr. Foster's legislation was not adopted, but it helped inspire a new state regulation to require disclosure of minimum hiring requirements.
The CRC is a voluntary certification and is not required for supervised or independent practice, although it may be a hiring requirement of certain employers.
Primarily in the 1990s, some companies aggressively insured a broad base of employees, as part of general hiring requirements, and never without the employee's written consent.
Mr. Booker also proposed tying publicly assisted economic development to local hiring requirements, and smoothing the re-entry of former prisoners into productive jobs.
This has begun to solve a problem that began in the mid-1970's when E.M.S. made service in a volunteer corps a hiring requirement.
The hiring requirements for Cyclone Studios was very low, just being a life-time gamer was enough, so many hired people had little experience at game development.
Cynthia Kuker, Ms. Goldman's boss, says the hot economy has forced her company's executives to soften their old hiring requirements.
She opposes affirmative action, but backs special hiring requirements for Alaska Natives.
Advocates of the hiring requirement said they expected that at least 30 of the university's 50 departments would meet the 1993 deadline for hiring black faculty members.