These cancers have favorable cellular characteristics, including lower histologic grade, higher rate of hormone sensitivity, and lower proliferative indices.
The histologic grade reflects the metastatic potential of these tumors more accurately than the classic cellular classification listed below.
The stage is determined by the size of the tumor, the histologic grade, and whether it has spread to lymph nodes or distant sites.
The risk of developing local recurrence or metastases is related to the histologic grade, according to the above-named features.
The histologic and nuclear grade of the primary tumor.
No WHO histologic grades are available for these types of tumors.
The histologic grade of a tumor measures how abnormal or malignant its cells look under the microscope.
The higher the histologic grade, the greater chance of recurrence.
Evaluation of the histologic grade ('G')
The critical nature of the histologic grade and stage of index lesions for individual prognosis and management decisions has been well recognized for many years.