The pancreatic tail was removed and fixed in formalin for histological studies.
Unvortunately there are no controlled histological studies of resected specimens to confirm this.
In the 1960s and 70s important histological studies were made by Pasqualini.
However, direct research upon human synapses and their numbers is limited since this requires histological study of the brain.
Another recent histological study performed by different workers corroborates these results, finding that rapid growth began to slow at around 16 years of age.
A histological study conducted by argued against the battering ram hypothesis.
HM participated in the design of the study and offered help in histological study.
Unlike enamel, dentin may be demineralized and stained for histological study.
These stains are commonly employed for histological studies.
Bullock's life as a neuroscientist began with histological studies of brain degeneration that he performed while still in high school.