All diagnoses were histologically confirmed.
Preoperatively seven patients had endoscopic oesophagitis (Savary-Miller grades 1-2), histologically confirmed in six cases.
Over 99% of cancer cases reported to the registry are histologically confirmed.
Palpable lymph nodes should be clinically examined and histologically confirmed if indicated for staging.
All patients included were histologically confirmed to have a carcinoma.
This study compares the incidence rates of histologically confirmed gastric carcinoma in Oxfordshire in two five year periods (1960-64, 1984-88).
The diagnosis of fibroadenoma must be confirmed histologically.
Diagnosis is confirmed histologically by tissue biopsy.
The tumor must be confirmed histologically, and any other pathological data obtained on biopsy may be included.
Analyses were further restricted to histologically confirmed cases that were 50 years and older at the time of prostate cancer diagnosis.