While some historians solely blame the Portuguese for the destruction of the caves, others also cite water-logging and dripping rainwater as additional damaging factors.
Some historians blame conspiracy by Chanakya in poisoning Porus.
Labour was voted out of office in the 1960 elections, something that many historians blame on Nordmeyer's "Black Budget".
Most historians blame him for the barbarity of the operation and the deaths of millions of people (and not only of Armenian origin).
Some economic historians, such as American professor Barry Eichengreen, blame the gold standard of the 1920s for prolonging the Great Depression.
Some historians blame Treason Case of 1589 for the subsequent discrimination against Honam region as land of rebellion, whose effect is still felt today.
The settlement ultimately failed, which some historians have blamed on the inability of the Loyal Company to defend its title to the tract.
Other historians have also blamed Shahabuddin Ghori's assassination to a band of Hindu Khokhars.
Several historians blame the mix-up on a 19th-century British publisher and an American Army surgeon.
Many historians have blamed Catherine for the attack on Coligny.