He is considered the most important Chilean historian of the 19th century.
French historians of the 19th and 20th century were more favorable to the notion.
Some of Isaac's works have an interest for the historian of the 5th century.
His reputation among 20th century historians has generally been low, but in his own time it stood much higher.
The episode is also notable for the fact that it was a subject of academic controversy among 19th century historians.
Millar numbers among the most influential ancient historians of the 20th century.
Josephus was a very important Jewish historian of the first century.
Since Belgium became an independent nation only in 1830, defining nationhood was a special issue for the historians of the late 19th century.
Both sides claimed a victory, but most 19th and 20th century historians granted it to the Austrian force.
In contrast many historians of the early nineteenth century rehabilitated these areas as suitable for serious study.