The resident historians seem like analysts of a dream as they offer their nonrevolutionary interpretations.
A novelist and historian, Ms. Bertin seems to have done a fair amount of research, and she displays a sincere appreciation for the director's work.
Other historians like B.H. Roberts never seemed to come to terms with it.
Why do current historians seem unable to engage the world as confidently as Mr. Schlesinger did?
Even classical historians, who were writing only years after the events themselves, seem to be divided as to what the motives of Spartacus were.
Her Tassi, for instance, is far nicer than many historians seem to portray him.
The historians who comment along the way seem to have been encouraged to speculate about Washington's state of mind and heart.
Few academic historians seem to care about the literary elegance that sustains the essay form.
Tonight's historians seem to agree that behind the urgency in using the bomb was the specter of Soviet expansion.
Compare the boom, as many amateur historians now seem to want to do, to the early-17th-century tulip craze in Holland.